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Do I Really Need Incident Management Software for Tracking Oilfield Incidents?

Incident management impacts risk management policies, which impact insurance premiums and profitability. That being said, there are some risks you can mitigate and some you can’t. Safety issues can be addressed, human error minimized with proper training, theft reduced with security measures, and transportation incidents addressed by maintaining roads, vehicles, and driver expectations. On the […]

4 Benefits of Using a Web Application for Incident Management

When something goes wrong at your company, are you one of the first people alerted? Depending on your organization, you may carry the title of safety manager, compliance officer, general manager, or something similar. Yet, no matter your title, you most likely understand the importance of an organized response when faced with an unplanned event. […]

4 Tips for Communicating Effectively During an Emergency

Effective communication is never more important than when a disaster or unexpected incident occurs in your city. While incident management software like Verity IMS can streamline incident communication, you still need to understand what to say and how to say it. If planning for this type of effective emergency communication isn’t part of your emergency […]

What is the Incident Management Cycle?

Disasters may feel like an event with a clear beginning and end, but FEMA and other disaster recovery organizations train their members to treat disasters as cycles. The commonly adopted incident management cycle includes phases for planning, managing, and recovering from disasters such as hurricanes and other severe weather events, pandemics, economic crashes, and more. […]

How Safety Spreadsheets are Costing You Money, Especially at Multisite Operations

How Safety Spreadsheets are Costing You Money, Especially at Multisite Operations Spreadsheets are a simple enough tool, easy to come by, and inexpensive. The problem is that they were designed for accounting purposes, not incident reporting. Spreadsheets are not always user friendly, and reporting styles may be inconsistent across sites. When a multisite operation has […]

5 Reasons Your Business Needs an Online Incident Management System

The simple fact is this: your company needs an online incident management system, even if that’s not the way you’ve done things in the past… especially if it’s not the way you’ve done things in the past. It’s easy to keep doing things the way you’ve always done them. It’s familiar. You know what to […]

8 Ways Online Incident Management Software Reduces Costs and Increases Productivity

Managing incidents isn’t optional, but you do have options when it comes to how you manage them. Some companies use a spreadsheet. Others install software that must be updated routinely company wide. Still others rely solely on pen and paper. The most efficient option is an online incident management system that can be accessed from […]

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